General Industrial Instrument, General Scientific Instrument เครื่องมือวัด >เครื่องวัดและบันทึกอุณหภูมิ/ความชื้น DT-191A Hygro-Temp. USB Datalogger w/PDF report
เครื่องบันทึกอุณหภูมิความชื้น ใช้งานง่ายสามารถดึงข้อมูลในรูปแบบ pdf. ไฟล์ได้ทันที
DT-191A : Plug-PDF Temperature/Humidity dataloggers ยี่ห้อ CEM
Easy-to-use Datalogger Records Temperature/Humidity with Date/Time Stamp
Plug-PDF Temperature/Humidity dataloggers
CEM DT-191A USB Temperature/Humidity Datalogger was being designed and manufactured by CEM Instrument, a well experienced manufacturer for Environmental Measuring Instrument.
เครื่องบันทึกอุณหภูมิความชื้น CEM DT-191A
- Plug & Play Temperature and humidity datalogger
- Software & driver are not required for any operation
- Automatically generate a PDF report while plugged into computer
- Immediately USB flash disk PDF report
- Freely selectable sample rate 1 min to 24h
- LCD Max Min display
- Download collected data through USB interface
- Battery life :up to 1 years (1 minutes sample rate )
- Alarm display if user-defi ned maximum/minimum value exceed
- Analysis software used to view graph for logging data
- Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/win7/win8/win10
เครื่องบันทึกอุณหภูมิความชื้น CEM DT-191A
Generate a PDF-File Report when plugged into a PC.
- As soon as the logger is connected to a USB-slot, PDF file with all recorded data in chart and an overview of alarms is generated automatically. During PDF generation “USB PDF” appears on the display, green and red LED light indicator, when the PDF file is ready “PDF” disappear and remaining “USB” on the display.
- Depending on th number of stored measurements, generating the PDF-file might take up to 30 seconds.
- As soon as the logger is reprogrammed, the PDF file on the logger will be deleted.
3V Lithium battery, CD software and User manual.
DT-191……………..Plug-PDF Temperature dataloggers
DT-191A…………..Plug-PDF Temperature and humidity datalogger
DT-191B…………..Plug-PDF Temperature/humidity and air pressure datalogger
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